Trying to Conceive Again

And again, and again, and again…

Shadow of kissing couple as if trying to conceiveI’m sure that many people hear the phrase “Trying to Conceive” and think “Nothing bad about that!”

I mean, what are we doing when we’re trying to conceive? Only one of the best past times ever created!

So why is it you and I come to this page knowing something obvious to us that the world is oblivious to: “Trying to conceive” (TTC) can be grueling, frustrating, faith-challenging, hard work. This act should have an entire website devoted to pure encouragement for those of us who have had a miscarriage – or many – and want to try again.

Yes, I said it. Encouragement. In having sex with our spouse.

As much fun as it is, or can be, when a couple has experienced loss in the past, this time of “fun” has the potential to become work. Or do we even want to try anymore?

Tips, Tricks, and Encouragement

It is so easy to become overwhelmed by the process and the anxiety of TTC. More stress is last thing we all need during this endeavor. My hope is that this site can be your one-stop shop to find all the wealth of information out there about how to increase your chances of conception, without all the stress.

God didn’t intend sex to be a stressful thing. It’s intended for pleasure and to “multiply.”

So – go have fun!

Step 1: Recruit a Prayer Support Team